Solstice is the most fairytale event of the year. The beautiful golden sun reflects from the lake in your face. During the summer solstice, the Beulake looks like a fairytale. The beautiful sunbeams that turn reed plumes gold. In one word „magical“. The sound of a small breeze through the reeds, birds flying, small waves that bob the baot. Unfrotettable. With a view of the church tower in the middle of the Beulake, you are surrounded bu small waves that seem to be covered with a blanket of glittering diamonds. Breathtaking.
Because the sun’s rays appear to hit the earth from heaven, the summer solstice used to be though to have magical powers.

The summer solstice, an unforgettable experience. The summer solistice will take place on 21 june 2021, at which time the sun is at ist highest point in the sky. During this special event, the sun does not set north of the Arctic Circle.
In the Weerribben-Wieden the sun shines for 16 hours, 16 minutes and 47. This means that this day is the longest day of the year. The sun will change direction in 2021 on June 21 at 5:32 AM. That is the time of th summer solstice.
The summer solstice used to be a special holiday for the Dutch. It was believed that ritual would bring about a fruitful harves and prevent any diseases. Beautfiul flowers wreaths decorated the villages. Nowadays parties and festivals are organized in the summer periods. Several villages decorate the streets and provide a beautiful view.
Tip: book your boat soon, because it can be very busy on June 21 in Giethoorn.

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